What are solutions for students that fall behind due to responsiblities outside of school ?

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in at to the lowest degree 1 positive thing: a much greater appreciation for the importance of public schools. As parents struggle to work with their children at abode due to school closures, public recognition of the essential caretaking function schools play in society has skyrocketed. Equally young people struggle to learn from home, parents' gratitude for teachers, their skills, and their invaluable function in student well-being, has risen. As communities struggle to take care of their vulnerable children and youth, decisionmakers are having to devise new mechanisms for delivering essential services from food to pedagogy to health care.

We believe it is also valuable to look beyond these firsthand concerns to what may be possible for education on the other side of the COVID-nineteen pandemic. It is hard to imagine there volition be some other moment in history when the central office of education in the economic, social, and political prosperity and stability of nations is so obvious and well understood by the general population. Now is the fourth dimension to chart a vision for how education tin can emerge stronger from this global crisis than always before and advise a path for capitalizing on education's newfound back up in well-nigh every community across the world.

It is in this spirit that we have developed this written report. Nosotros intend to starting time a dialogue about what could exist achieved in the medium to long term if leaders effectually the globe took seriously the public's demand for prophylactic, quality schools for their children. Ultimately, we fence that strong and inclusive public pedagogy systems are essential to the short- and long-term recovery of society and that there is an opportunity to leapfrog toward powered-up schools.

A powered-upwards school could exist i that puts a strong public school at the center of a community and leverages the most effective partnerships, including those that take emerged during COVID-19, to help learners grow and develop a broad range of competencies and skills in and out of school. For example, such a school would crowd in supports, including engineering science, that would allow for allies in the community from parents to employers to reinforce, complement, and bring to life learning experiences in and outside the classroom. It would recognize and arrange to the learning that takes place beyond its walls, regularly assessing students' skills and tailoring learning opportunities to meet students at their skill level. These new allies in children's learning would complement and support teachers and could support children's salubrious mental and concrete development. Information technology quite literally is the schoolhouse at the eye of the customs that powers student learning and development using every path possible (Figure 1).

Effigy 1. Powered-upward schools

Powered-up school

Adapted from Office of Unproblematic and Secondary Pedagogy.

While this vision is aspirational, it is by no means impractical. Schools at the center of a community ecosystem of learning and support is an idea whose time has come, and some of the emerging practices amid COVID-xix, such as empowering parents to support their children'southward education, should exist sustained when the pandemic subsides. In this report we draw upon: 1) the latest show emerging on both the dire effects of the pandemic on children'south schooling and on the new strategies that hold hope for strengthening children's education post-pandemic; 2) a serial of dialogues between March to August 2020 with one-time heads of land and education leaders from around the globe on the large questions facing didactics in the pandemic response and recovery; and iii) our ongoing research on harnessing innovation to leapfrog education toward a more equitable and relevant learning ecosystem for all young people.

This central question has guided our enquiry: "Is information technology possible to realistically envision instruction emerging from the novel coronavirus pandemic stronger than it was before?" To spark the give-and-take around this question, we describe 4 key emerging trends resulting from the impact of COVID-19 on education globally and propose five actions to guide the transformation of education systems later on the pandemic.

Four emerging global trends in educational activity from COVID-xix

i. Accelerating e ducation i nequality: Instruction inequality is accelerating in an unprecedented way, especially where before the pandemic information technology was already high

Fifty-fifty earlier COVID-19 left as many as 1.5 billion students out of schoolhouse in early 2019, at that place was a global consensus that education systems in likewise many countries were not delivering the quality education needed to ensure that all have the skills necessary to thrive. It is the poorest children across the earth that conduct the heaviest burden, with pre-pandemic analysis estimating that 90 percent of children in low-income countries, 50 percent of children in middle-income countries, and thirty percent of children in high-income countries fail to master the basic secondary-level skills needed to thrive in piece of work and life. Information technology is children in the poorest countries who have been left the furthest behind. As economist Lant Pritchett explained in his 2013 book "The rebirth of teaching," although countries in the developing world had largely succeeded in getting nigh all main-anile children into schools, too many students were non learning fifty-fifty the bones literacy and numeracy skills necessary to continue learning. The World Depository financial institution's "2018 World Evolution Study" called information technology a "learning crisis," and the global customs mobilized to seek more funding to support education systems across the world. The Pedagogy Commission'southward 2016 written report, "The learning generation: Investing in education for a changing world," emphasized that engineering science was changing the nature of work, and that growing skills gaps would stunt economical growth in low- and middle-income countries; it called for increasing investment in education in these countries.

Yet, for a few young people in wealthy communities around the globe, schooling has never been better than during the pandemic. They are taught in their homes with a scattering of their favorite friends by a teacher hired past their parents. Some parents have connected via social media platforms to class learning pods that instruct only a few students at a time with agreed-upon instruction schedules and activities. These parents argue that the pods encourage social interaction, improve learning, and reduce the burden of child care during the pandemic. However, they often exclude lower income families, as they tin cost up to $100 per hour.

There is nothing new about families doing all they can for their children'due south education; one but has to look at the explosion of the $100 billion global tutoring market over the final decade. While the learning experiences for these particular children may be proficient in and of themselves, they represent a worrisome tendency for the world: the massive acceleration of education inequality.

While past mid-April of 2020, less than 25 percent of low-income countries were providing whatever type of remote learning and a majority that did used Boob tube and radio, close to xc percent of loftier-income countries were providing remote learning opportunities. On top of cross-land differences in access to remote learning opportunities, within-country differences are also staggering. For case, according to the U.S. Census Agency, during the COVID-19 school closures, 1 in 10 of the poorest children in the world'south largest economy had niggling or no admission to applied science for learning. And UNICEF estimates that 463 1000000 children—at least one-third of the world total, the bulk of whom are in the developing world—had no gamble at remote learning via radio, television, or online content. However, this does not have into account the creative utilize of text letters, phone calls, and offline e-learning that many teachers and educational activity leaders are putting to apply in rural and under-resourced communities. Indeed, these innovative practices propose that the school closures from COVID-xix are setting the stage for leapfrogging in teaching, as we hash out next.

2. A leapfrog moment: Innovation has suddenly moved from the margins to the center of many teaching systems, and there is an opportunity to identify new strategies, that if sustained, can help young people go an educational activity that prepares them for our irresolute times.

This unprecedented dispatch of teaching inequality requires new responses. In our ongoing work on education innovation, we have argued that there are examples of new strategies or approaches that could, if scaled up, have the potential to rapidly advance, or leapfrog, progress. Two years ago, in "Leapfrogging inequality: Remaking didactics to assistance immature people thrive," we set along a leapfrog pathway laying out a map to harness education innovations to much more quickly close the gap in pedagogy inequality. Nosotros argued that at two decades into the 21st century, the goal should exist for all children to become lifelong learners and develop the full breadth of skills and competencies—from literacy to trouble-solving to collaboration—that they will need to access a irresolute earth of work and be constructive citizens in society. We defined teaching innovation every bit an thought or technology that is new to a current context, if non new to the world. And nosotros proposed that those innovations that could help provide a broader carte du jour of options for delivering learning were those with the potential to help leapfrog didactics, namely: i) innovative pedagogical approaches alongside directly instruction to aid young people not only recollect and empathize simply clarify and create; two) new ways of recognizing learning alongside traditional measures and pathways; three) crowding in a diversity of people and places alongside professional teachers to help support learning in school; and 4) smart use of technology and data that allowed for real-time adaptation and did not simply supercede analog approaches.

When nosotros surveyed nigh three,000 education innovations across over 160 countries, we found that some innovations had the potential to help leapfrog progress, as defined along our four dimensions, and many did not. We as well constitute that many of the promising innovations were on the margins of instruction systems and not at the center of how learning takes place. We argued that to rapidly accelerate progress and shut the equity gaps in didactics, the wide range of actors involved in delivering education to immature people would need to spend more than time documenting, learning from, evaluating, and scaling those innovative approaches that held the most leapfrog potential.

Today we are facing a very unlike context. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced educational activity innovation into the heart of almost every education arrangement effectually the globe. Based on a recent 59-land survey of educators and educational activity administrators, Fernando Reimers and Andreas Schleicher note that: "The crisis has revealed the enormous potential for innovation that is dormant in many pedagogy systems."i The question is no longer how to scale innovations from the margin to the heart of education systems but how to transform education systems so that they will source, back up, and sustain those innovations that address inequality and provide all young people with the skills to build a better time to come for themselves and their communities. By doing this, we ultimately promise non only that those who are left behind can catch up, but that a new, more equal instruction system tin sally out of the crisis. Fortunately, across the earth, communities are increasingly valuing the role that schools play, not only for educatee learning, but also for the livelihoods of educators, parents, and others, as nosotros discuss below.

iii. Rising p ublic due south upport: At that place is newfound public recognition of how essential schools are in club and a window of opportunity to leverage this support for making them stronger

March 2020 will forever exist known as the time all the world'south schools closed their doors. Equally teachers and school leaders around the earth struggled with hardly whatever forewarning to pin to some form of remote learning, parents and families around the world who had relied on schools as an ballast effectually which they organized their daily schedule faced the shock of life without school. An outpouring of appreciation on social media for teachers from parents deciding between caring for their children and earning coin quickly followed. To underscore this sentiment of appreciation, Gabriel Zinny of the Buenos Aires government says: "Societies are recognizing that schools and teachers are heroes … that schools are the identify not just where nosotros get to learn and progress, fulfill our hopes and dreams, simply also where we larn to alive in community. Only recently in Buenos Aires, families went out to their balconies to applaud not only doctors and nurses, but teachers."

This broad recognition and support for the essential part of education in daily life tin can exist establish on the pages of newspapers across the globe. It tin be found in emerging coalitions of advocates urging that teaching be prioritized across communities and countries. The global education community is also mobilizing from UNESCO's broad consortium with the newly formed Save Our Future campaign that brings together a broad coalition of actors in the international development sphere to advocate for sustained education funding, especially among international aid donors, for low- and middle-income countries.

Ultimately, today for the outset time since the appearance of universal education, the bulk of parents and families around the world share the long-standing concerns of the most vulnerable families: They are in urgent demand of a safe and skillful plenty school to send their children to. This reality, which is so well known to the families of the 258 one thousand thousand out-of-schoolhouse children, has brought the issue of education into the living rooms of eye form and aristocracy parents effectually the globe. And they are forging, at least for a moment, mutual cause between many of the parents of the 1.9 billion school-aged children around the globe. As a result, new stakeholders are getting involved in supporting education, an emerging trend nosotros describe next.

four. New e ducation a llies: The pandemic has galvanized new actors in the community—from parents to social welfare organizations—to support children's learning like never before.

Aslope increasing recognition of the essential role of public schools, the pandemic has galvanized parts of communities that traditionally are not actively involved in children's education. Every bit school buildings closed, teachers began to partner with parents in ways never done before, schools formed new relationships with community health and social welfare organizations, media companies worked with pedagogy leaders, applied science companies partnered with nonprofits and governments, and local nonprofits and businesses contributed to supporting children's learning in new ways.

The idea of children's education existence supported by an ecosystem of learning opportunities in and exterior of schoolhouse is not new amongst educationalists. The customs schools movement envisions schools as the hub of children'south pedagogy and development, with strong partnerships amongst other sectors from health to social welfare. Schools remain open up all day and are centers for community appointment, services, and trouble-solving. Proponents of "life-broad" learning approaches indicate out that children from birth to 18 years of historic period spend simply upward to 20 per centum of their waking hours at school and argue that the fabric of the community offers many enriching learning experiences alongside schoolhouse. In our ain work on leapfrogging in teaching, we argue that diversifying the educators and places where children acquire tin crowd in innovative pedagogical approaches and complement and enrich classroom-based learning. More recently, the concept of local learning ecoystems has emerged to describe learning opportunities provided through a web of collaboration among schools, community organizations, businesses, and government agencies that oftentimes pair straight educational activity with innovative pedagogies assuasive for experimentation.

There is evidence ranging from the U.One thousand. to Nicaragua that young people engaging in diverse learning opportunities outside of schoolhouse—from classic extracurricular activities such as music lessons to nonformal education programming—can be quite helpful in boosting the skills and academic competencies of marginalized children. But until recently there has been merely express empirical examples of local learning ecosystems. Emerging models are actualization in places such as Catalonia, Spain with its Educacio360 initiative and Western Pennsylvania, where several U.S. school districts have engaged in a multiyear Remake Learning initiative to offer life-wide learning opportunities to families and children. One of the opportunities emerging out of the COVID-19 pandemic may just be the chance to harness the new energies and mindsets between schools and communities to work together to support children's learning.

Five proposed actions to guide the transformation of education systems

Given these four emerging trends and building on previous inquiry, we put forth five proposed actions for decisionmakers to seize this moment to transform education systems to better serve all children and youth, especially the well-nigh disadvantaged. We contend that because of their responsibility to all children, public schools must exist at the center of any education system that seeks to close widening inequality gaps. Nosotros highlight the creative use of technology—especially through mobile phone communication with parents—as examples of strategies that take emerged amid the pandemic that, if sustained, could complement and strengthen children'due south learning in public schools. We acknowledge that the highlighted examples are just emerging, and there is more to learn about how they work and other examples to consider as events unfold. For this reason, nosotros propose guidance for identifying which new approaches should potentially be continued. We contend that innovations that support and strengthen the instructional core, namely the interactions in the pedagogy and learning procedure, will take a greater chance at sustainably supporting a powered-up school. We also debate that the urgency of the moment calls for an adaptive and iterative approach to learning what works in real time; hence, improvement science principles should accompany any leapfrogging effort to build evidence and right form in existent fourth dimension.

one. Leverag e p ublic s chools: Put public schools at the middle of didactics systems given their essential part in equalizing opportunity beyond dimensions within society

Public schools play a critical office in reducing inequality and strengthening social cohesion. By having the mandate to serve all children and youth regardless of background, public schools in many countries can bring together individuals from various backgrounds and needs, providing the social benefit of assuasive individuals to grow up with a set of mutual values and knowledge that tin can make communities more than cohesive and unified.

The private sector has an important function to play in teaching—from advocating that governments invest in high-quality public schools because they help ability economies and social stability to helping test innovative pedagogical models in independent schools. In many low-income countries, low-price private schools accept expanded in contempo years, helping to address the challenge that fiscally- and/or capacity-constrained governments have long faced in expanding access to education. Many families in developing countries, ranging from Chile to India to Nigeria to Kenya, opt to send their children to these low-toll, oftentimes for-profit, private schools. Indeed, the expansion of private schools in depression-income countries has in some locations played a role in increasing universal admission to main educational activity.

Still, at that place are a range of concerns with individual schools, both in terms of their effectiveness equally well as their touch on on inequality. For example, the extent to which private schools might provide a better educational activity, the so-chosen "private school reward," has been a long-standing debate. While it is difficult to isolate the impact of private schools, a contempo assay of over forty countries that participated in the OECD'due south 2012 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) concludes that public schools outperform both publicly subsidized private schools, as well as independent schools, in a majority of countries.

In addition, in many countries, the expansion of private schools has not been accompanied by regulations to guide educatee selection processes or the fees schools may accuse (which also direct bear on selection). A troubling unintended event of the unregulated expansion of private schooling is an increment in segregation of students by socioeconomic and other background characteristics. In many countries, private schools select students based on multiple factors, including academic ability, religious affiliation, and socioeconomic background. Equally a result, private schools tend to exist less various than public schools. Farther, entry into private school may not be entirely merit-based. In middle- and high-income countries, the private sector has stepped in to provide services to aid students gain admission into selective education institutions. Since these services are costly, they select for wealthier families that can afford the help to get their students into the "right" schools, further excluding low-income families. In the U.Southward., for example, data from the National Heart for Education Statistics show that public schools are much more than diverse than private schools: In 2017, 67 per centum of private school students were white, compared with simply 48 pct of their public schoolhouse counterparts.

A growing body of research shows that segregation can have a negative impact on children's academic and social outcomes. For example, in Chile, where a schoolhouse choice program was introduced in 1981, there has been a steady exodus from public schools over fourth dimension, and today more than one-half of its students are enrolled in individual schools. Not only did national average test scores stagnate, but unfettered school choice too led to pupil segregation into private and public schools based on parental education and income. Achievement gaps between affluent and disadvantaged students began to decline after a reform to the per-student subsidy (or voucher)—called the Preferential School Subsidy Police—was introduced in 2008. The reform introduced college value per-student subsidies to schools serving low-income students and required schools who accepted the higher value vouchers to take part in a new accountability organization. Students from socioeconomically disadvantaged households soon improved their performance, leading to an increase in national average examination scores and a reduction in the income-based achievement gaps.

In many countries, a central debate is whether education should exist seen as a public good or a private consumable. Advocates of expanding individual school pick see didactics as a private consumable. Advocates who argue that education is a public good put forth that schools are about more than preparing individuals for the labor marketplace, and that they have an irreplaceable role in generating multiple public benefits, including public health and in developing citizens to participate in democratic societies.

We follow Levin (1987) in arguing that schools play a crucial role in fostering the skills individuals need to succeed in a rapidly irresolute labor market place, and they play a major part in equalizing opportunities for individuals of diverse backgrounds. Moreover, schools address a variety of social needs that serve communities, regions, and entire nations. And while a few private schools can and do play these multiple roles, public education is the main conduit for doing so at scale. Hence, nosotros argue that public schools must be at the centre of whatever effort to build back better or, in the words of UNICEF's chief of education Robert Jenkins, "build back equal," after the COVID-19 pandemic.

2. A fifty aser f ocus on t he i nstructional c ore: Emphasize the instructional core, the heart of the educational activity and learning process.

To develop powered-up schools, information technology will exist essential to figure out how to identify what strategies, among the many that communities are deploying amid the pandemic, should be sustained to power upwardly a school as the crunch subsides. We contend that decisionmakers should ground their deportment on rigorous evidence of what works to ameliorate educatee learning, as well as how schoolhouse alter happens and ultimately should include a heavy emphasis on the heart of the education and learning procedure, what is often called the instructional or pedagogical cadre. Indeed, how educators appoint with students and instructional materials, including education engineering science, is crucial for learning given the strong prove that educators are the nigh important school-side factor in educatee learning.ii

In our forthcoming CUE publication co-authored by Alejandro Ganimian, Emiliana Vegas, and Frederick Hess, "Realizing the promise: How can education technology better learning for all?," the authors note that pregnant enquiry has shown that one of the main reasons many teaching innovations and reforms have failed, despite serious effort, is that they have paid insufficient attention to the instructional core. While there take been several variations and terms associated with the instructional cadre, at its centre is the understanding that it is the interactions among educators, learners, and educational materials that matter virtually in improving pupil learning.three For example, college quality learning materials—whether they are new online resources or revamped curriculum—will not on their own meliorate student learning. Only when educators utilize them to improve their instruction can students take an improved experience. The authors build on this model of the instructional core to integrate parents, given not only their predominant role in children'southward lives but also the new means in which they have supported children's learning amongst the pandemic (see Effigy 2).

Figure ii. The instructional cadre

Figure 2. The instructional core
Source: Ganimian, Vegas, and Hess (2020), adapted from Cohen and Ball (1999).

Using the instructional core as a guide can help united states identify what types of new strategies or innovations could go community-based supports in children'southward learning journey. Indeed, even after only several months of experimentation around the globe on keeping learning going amid a pandemic, there are some clear strategies that have the potential, if continued, to contribute to a powered-up school, and many of them involve engaging learners, educators, and parents in new ways using some class of engineering science.

Grounding decisions on existing prove is necessary, but not sufficient. It will also be essential to ask people—students, families, teachers, school leaders—what their experience has been and what new educational practices they promise volition continue post pandemic. The Simply Ask United states of america Movement in the U.South., for example, aims to discover and share at least a one thousand thousand student and family perspectives on how school systems should answer to the pandemic and its furnishings. Communities volition certainly identify important strategies that fall outside the instructional cadre, such every bit essential collaboration between health and social protection services, that could be vital to developing a powered-upward school. For case, Sierra Leone's new "radical inclusion" policy aims to bring together health and cyberbanking services to assist marginalized girls stay in schoolhouse. Or in the U.S., where David Miyashiro, the superintendent of Cajon Valley, a school district with one of the highest populations of refugee students in California, has heard from parents that they need more help with child intendance and hence has established a new Extended Mean solar day Programme.

While nosotros focus in this report primarily on those innovations that support the interactions in the instructional core, we recognize that there will be a myriad of strategies needed to support marginalized children and bring a powered-upward school to life. Ultimately, communities should have a view on what these strategies should be. Grounding decisions in the lived experience of the people at the center of didactics, peculiarly students and teachers, is one of the central principles of designing for scale and will be an essential component of developing a powered-upwardly schoolhouse. When asked what her one piece of advice would be to heads of country today, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Nobel Peace Prize winner and one-time president of Republic of liberia, said "Listen to your people, they may not be educated just they are knowledgeable."

3. Harness due east d ucation t echnology: Deploy education technology to ability upwardly schools long term in a way that meets the education and learning needs of students and educators; otherwise, applied science risks becoming a costly distraction.

Leveraging technology to help with educational continuity is a topic front and center in schools around the world. Countries are using any they have at their disposal—from radios to televisions to computers to mobile phones. For many families, accessing educational content through technology is non easy. For instance, a nationally representative survey in Senegal conducted approximately 3 weeks later on schools closed plant that children were far more likely to continue their education through work assigned by their parents than accessed through any engineering science. Less than 11 per centum of survey respondents said students accessed educational material using either radio, tv set, or web-based resource.4

This is non necessarily surprising given education's past record of using technology to support learning. Indeed, while there has been the expectation that ed tech would radically transform teaching and learning, the touch on of ed-tech interventions on student learning has been mostly disappointing.5 But, every bit put forth in "Realizing the promise: How tin education technology ameliorate learning for all?," this is most probable because most ed-tech interventions have paid limited attention to the instructional cadre. Even so, when we consider rigorous prove on the comparative advantages of technology vis-a-vis traditional didactics, we find that ed tech tin help meliorate learning by supporting the crucial interactions in the instructional cadre through: (1) scaling upwards quality instruction (by, for example, prerecorded lessons of high-quality educational activity); (2) facilitating differentiated didactics (through, for example, computer-adaptive learning or live one-on-one tutoring); (three) expanding opportunities for student practice; and (4) increasing student date (through, for example, videos and games).

While we envision powered-up schools after COVID-nineteen using technology in these four means to improve learning, we emphasize the need to support educators to embrace the comparative advantages of engineering science. Without involving and supporting educators in innovation, efforts will not exist sustainable over time. Indeed, throughout the global school closures, we take seen the heroic efforts of educators, many of whom are in poor communities with limited ed-tech resources, and all the same accept innovated to continue engaging students in learning. For example, from Republic of chile to the United Kingdom, we have seen teachers coming together to rapidly lend their expertise to develop relevant remote-learning content for students. In Chile, a network of teachers came together to develop a serial of 30-infinitesimal radio lessons for secondary students who had no admission to online learning. The initiative, which the teachers dubbed La Radio Enseña, is supported by the civil lodge organization Enseña Chile, and the radio lessons went from being distributed by a scattering of radio stations to over 240 only one month subsequently schools airtight. Similarly in the U.G., a group of teachers worried about learning continuity for their students when schools were well-nigh to close, developed inside two weeks an online classroom and resource hub to help educators and parents help their children learn. Equally of the end of July, users accessed lessons 17 meg times and this initiative, called Oak National Academy, has been a significant characteristic of the authorities's remote learning strategy.

Listening to educators as technology is deployed for learning and responding to their concerns with real-time iteration is too essential in helping make ed-tech rollouts successful. In response to the school closures, Peru's ministry of education embarked on an aggressive national-scale remote-learning strategy chosen Aprendo en Casa using multiple channels—tv set, radio, and online resource. Curriculum-aligned lessons were recorded, and, to make the content engaging, the ministry hired actors to serve as content facilitators. After the initial rollout, the authorities requested feedback from school leaders, teachers, and parents, which led to the inclusion of a teacher and a student in each lesson. Additionally, reporting requirements of teachers were initially quite onerous leading to overburdening already stretched teachers and were adapted to a more manageable streamlined approach. Feedback from users was solicited regularly, not only on usage (which was reported to be equally high as 74 percent among students), but also on quality (59 percent of parents reported beingness satisfied with the program). In addition, over 90 pct of teachers reported having been in regular communication with principals and students.6 Interestingly, a very recent written report confirms that teachers' sense of success was higher in school systems that had potent remote working conditions, including advice, preparation, collaboration, fair expectations, and recognition of their efforts.

These examples are just a few of the education technology experiments underway during the pandemic. Some rely on good net and connectivity, and the OECD and HundrED have curated a listing of online learning resources for schools. Others utilize offline technology or basic cellphones to facilitate learning for those less-resourced communities. Ultimately, the evidence is clear that there is no single "ed-tech" initiative that will achieve the same results everywhere because school systems vary in multiple ways. Nonetheless, after COVID-nineteen, one thing is certain: School systems that are best prepared to utilise didactics applied science effectively volition be better positioned to keep offering quality education in the face of school closures. Learning almost those strategies that accept emerged due to the closures and that have forced school leaders, educators, parents, and students to appoint with technology in new and productive fashion will exist of import for developing powered-up schools in the long term. One such strategy is how engineering science, oftentimes through low-tech texts and phone calls, has helped engage parents in a whole new fashion, which is where we turn to adjacent.

4. Parent due east ngagement: Forge stronger, more trusting relationships between parents and teachers.

Rarely is the topic of parent appointment at the superlative of the "to do" list for education administrators and educators whose days are filled with numerous decisions—from bell schedules to prophylactic to lesson plans—around how to evangelize education to children. In the recent OECD-Harvard survey of educators and education administrators across 59 countries on schoolhouse reopening strategies, three-quarters of the respondents stated that the reopening plans were developed collaboratively with teachers, only simply 25 percent said that collaboration included parents besides.

This express engagement with parents and families should come as no surprise given that before the COVID-nineteen pandemic, the topic of parent engagement occupied a relatively marginal place in the education discussions. Practitioners working with schools and families to build strong parent-teacher relationships ofttimes indicate out that strategies for community outreach and collaboration are frequently missing in teacher preparation programs and are given curt shrift in professional evolution courses for administrators. Additionally, researchers are much more probable to focus their study on schoolhouse-based factors such as curriculum development or assessment policies. In a contempo search of the Education Resources Information Center database, which has close to xx years of articles, the citation "teachers" was used well-nigh four times the corporeality that the citation "parents" was used.

But the coronavirus pandemic has put the topic of engagement with parents and families at the middle of today'due south education debates, and pedagogy leaders across the globe are finding out just what powerful allies parents can be in their children'southward learning—including parents from the about marginalized communities. From Asia to Africa to North America, examples are emerging of new ways of partnering with parents and families that provide real promise for supporting children's learning in and out of school over the long term.

For example, creative mechanisms for real-time guidance to parents on their children'southward education are popping up effectually the globe using the low-tech but, in many places, ubiquitous power to make a phone call. In Argentina, the government of the Land of Buenos Aires developed a call-in center staffed by the Ministry of Educational activity to provide real-time information and guidance to any parent with concerns or information requests nearly their children's education during the pandemic. In the get-go five months, over 100,000 calls were received.7 In some places, civil society organizations are collaborating to provide this type of alive, real-time support to parents. In the U.S. for example, the Pittsburgh Learning Collaborative, a coalition of over 50 local organizations serving families and children, has created a family hotline to aid provide parents and families with guidance and resource to aid with their children's learning. In its offset calendar month, the hotline received 1,000 calls.

Mobile phones have also helped parents directly facilitate their children'southward learning in India. In Himachal Pradesh, a state of almost 7 million people, the authorities is using a multilayered approach to remote learning that engages parents in a new way. In response to pandemic-related school closures, in April the authorities launched the Har Ghar Pathshala initiative. The initiative adult thousands of videos and digital worksheets so deployed 48,000 teachers to connect to all parents in the land through WhatsApp. The goal was to develop a articulate understanding amidst parents of the materials children should be accessing, including taking a weekly WhatsApp assessment that would come up to their phones. Students themselves are unlikely to accept electronic devices and a family unit phone—the chief artery for accessing online learning—and then the materials are shared betwixt parents and the children in the household. Over 92 percent of parents engaged with teachers through "ePTMs," electronic Parent Instructor Meetings, and ultimately 70-80 per centum of students in the state take engaged with the digital materials and 50 percentage of students are taking the WhatsApp assessments.8

Perhaps the about significant part of the regime'due south strategy, and the component that holds the near promise for powering up schools long term, has been building a human relationship between students' caregivers and their teachers and schools.9 "Until now, in India nosotros have not been able to plant the parent-to-instructor connection for first-generation learners at scale," said Prachi Windlass, manager of Bharat Programs at the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation. "The pandemic has brought to light how parents of kickoff-generation learners can—and at present clearly do—help with their children'southward learning."x Parents themselves are eager to keep being allies in their children's learning, with 88 per centum of parents saying they would similar to attend future ePTMs.

Information technology is not only the government that is realizing what is possible when they invite parents and families into the teaching and learning process. Civil society organizations such as Pratham pivoted during school closures to appoint directly with parents and families on children's learning by using a combination of daily WhatsApp or text letters and weekly phone calls. "While nosotros are farther away physically, we have gotten closer," says Samyukta Subramanian, a Pratham team lead and old CUE Echidna Global Scholar. The text messages provide activities to keep children engaged in learning and can include fun and interactive activities such every bit asking children to count how many teeth their parents have or how many buckets of water their family uses and text the answers back. The Pratham staff members call each family unit once a calendar week to run into how the activities are going, and by June they were sending over 100,000 text messages and reaching parents in over 12,000 rural communities. Noting that this approach to engaging parents is something they promise to continue subsequently schools reopen, the Pratham Education Foundation CEO Rukmini Banerji says she hopes "in that location is a celebration for parents when children return to school to recognize all that they accept done to continue their children's learning and to give parents the confidence to stay engaged."

The Ministry of Bones Instruction of Botswana has besides learned the power of harnessing mobile telephone technology to partner with parents and boost children's learning. Prior to the school closures, the Ministry building had been working closely with a coalition of partners to scale up an approach to teaching numeracy that involved interactive teaching methods geared to students' learning levels rather than their form. This Instruction at the Right Level initiative brings together a range of partners, including a Botswanan nonprofit called Young 1ove working with the authorities and university partners to implement and evaluate the arroyo, and the Real-Fourth dimension Scaling Lab team at Brookings to help guide and certificate the scaling procedure.

During the closures, Immature 1ove worked with the government to rapidly pin from working with teachers to deliver numeracy lessons to working with parents. They reached out to over 7,000 parents and invited them to take part in remote learning during school closures—sixty percent of whom accepted the invitation. While they tested several approaches, the almost successful included a weekly math trouble sent to parents by text message and followed up with a weekly 15-20 infinitesimal phone call. On the phone call, Young 1ove facilitators would ask parents to become their child and put the telephone on speaker and then they could ask if they had seen the math trouble and then discuss information technology. A rapid and rigorous evaluation of the intervention, which included a control group, showed startling results. For the children whose parents received text messages and phone calls from Immature 1ove, the drib in innumeracy levels was 52 percent. Conspicuously, when invited in as partners to their children'southward learning, parents in Botswana likewise showed how powerful their partnership can exist for children's schooling.

While likely surprising to many, these examples of the capability of depression-income or marginalized parents and families to be powerful allies in support of their children's learning aligns with existing evidence on constructive parent engagement and will come as no surprise to the select group of practitioners, researchers, and advocates working on this consequence effectually the globe. In the U.Due south., for case, several decades of enquiry have shown that parents, specially for low-income students, have a positive influence on pupil academic accomplishment largely through equipping parents to back up their children's learning at home. Rigorous evaluations in Ghana and the U.K. likewise demonstrate this.11

When a respectful relationship amongst parents, teachers, families, and schools is at the center of engagement activities, powerful support to children'due south learning can occur. A thread running across the above examples is schools inviting families to be allies in their children'south learning by using easy-to-empathise information communicated through mechanisms that arrange to parents' schedules and that provide parents with an agile but feasible role. The nature of the invitation and the relationship is what is and then essential to bringing parents on board.

Getting this relationship correct is no piece of cake task, and there are many dimensions to parental involvement in their children's schooling, which tin can also reflect tension and power dynamics active in lodge writ big.12 Schools and teachers can find it difficult to navigate the range of expectations, many of them conflicting. At times, engaging parents does not ever lead to desirable outcomes for children's learning. For case, a randomized command trial using longitudinal data in Ghana's preschools found marked improvement in educatee outcomes that were sustained over several years in schools that received a yearlong teacher training and coaching program aimed at making classrooms more student-centered. The programme incorporated play-based learning approaches and influenced the instructional cadre by improving teacher-kid interactions.13 Just this improvement was only seen when the decorated working-class parents of the students were not informed about the shift in the teaching approach. In the schools where the instructor training was paired with give-and-take sessions with parents almost the purpose of the grooming and what the new pedagogy methods entailed, the opposite happened. The parent awareness sessions counteracted any of the benefits of the teacher grooming, and the children'southward outcomes were worse than those in the control grouping. Ultimately, the parents who took part in the information sessions had a cooling effect on the teachers, leading them to stop using many of the techniques learned in the training. The researchers posited that rather than building support for the new pedagogical approach, the information sessions, which were infrequent and passive, raised business organisation among parents that the educational activity was becoming less rigorous. This phenomena is not unique to Republic of ghana. Through our own Brookings research initiative on parents and didactics, we have found stories of this parental cooling effect in interviews with educators and education leaders beyond 50 countries.

Ultimately, the COVID-19 pandemic is an opportunity to forge stronger, more trusting relationships between parents and teachers. It is an opportunity for parents and families to gain insight into the skill that is involved in instruction and for teachers and schools to realize what powerful allies parents can be. Parents around the world are not interested in becoming their child's teacher, but they are, based on several big-scale surveys, asking to exist engaged in a different more active fashion in the hereafter. Perhaps the nearly important insight for supporting a powered-upward school is challenging the mindset of those in the education sector that parents and families with the least opportunities are not capable or willing to help their children learn.

5. An i terative a pproach: Comprehend the principles of improvement science required to evaluate, class correct, document, and calibration new approaches that can assist ability up schools over fourth dimension.

As nosotros have seen above, at that place are some promising new approaches that have the potential to enable a broader learning ecosystem to support children's schooling. However, in most countries around the world, in that location is a long road to travel earlier we fully understand how to leverage technology or transform parent engagement to realize a powered-up school for each community. The speed and depth of alter mean that information technology will be essential to take an iterative approach to learning what works, for whom, and under what enabling conditions. In other words, this is a moment to apply the principles of improvement science. Traditional research methods will need to exist complemented by real-time documentation, reflection, quick feedback loops, and grade correction. Rapid sharing of early insights and testing of potential alter ideas will need to come alongside the longer-term rigorous reviews. CUE's own work on system transformation and scaling change in education provides one possible model for doing just this. Through our Existent-Time Scaling Labs, teams of practice-oriented researchers are working to scale and sustain transformative change in instruction systems. These teams acquire, document, and share emerging insights in rapid, iterative cycles making certain peers across the different components of an educational activity system are included in the process and that failures, one of the most valuable insights, are documented alongside successes.

A key principle underlying the Real-time Scaling Labs is that scaling is an iterative process that requires ongoing accommodation based on new data and changes in the broader surroundings. The disruption caused past the COVID-xix pandemic has indeed brought this reality front and center. In the Existent-fourth dimension Scaling Labs, two categories of adaptation take emerged: (1) adaptations and simplifications to the model being scaled itself and (2) adaptations and adjustments to the scaling approach and strategy. While both are critical to scaling, adapting the scaling strategy is especially challenging, requiring not only timely data, a thorough understanding of the context, and space for reflection, only also willingness and capacity to human action on this learning and make changes accordingly.

Conclusion: Having a vision of the change we want to see matters and can help guide give-and-take, debate, and—ultimately—activeness.

We acknowledge that emerging from this global pandemic with a stronger public education organisation is an ambitious vision, and one that will require both financial and man resources. But nosotros argue that articulating such a vision is essential, and that amid the myriad of decisions teaching leaders are making every solar day, it tin can guide the future. With the dire consequences of the pandemic hitting the about vulnerable young people the hardest, it is tempting to revert to a global education narrative that privileges access to school above all else. This, all the same, would exist a mistake. In that location are enough examples of education innovations that provide access to relevant learning for those in and out of a school building to ready our sights higher. A powered-upwardly public school in every community is what the world's children deserve, and indeed is possible if all stakeholders can collectively work together to harness the opportunities presented by this crisis to truly leapfrog education forward.

Note: The authors are grateful to Brian Fowler for his valuable enquiry assistance in preparing this paper.


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