the Affirmative Action Program Is Reviewed by the _____

Affirmative action seeks to increase the representation of women and minorities in employment and educational activity, spaces where they have been historically excluded. However, the discussion of preferential treatment based on racial or socioeconomic condition has ignited intense public controversy, as highlighted through the higher admissions scandal. The scandal exposed the underlying tensions between class and race in the United States, exhibiting the ways in which privilege is opposed to fairness.

The post-obit non-exhaustive reading list discusses the origins of affirmative action, the question of race- versus class-based affirmative action, and the furnishings of meritocracy in admissions.

The Origins of Affirmative Activity

Tierney, William Thousand. "The Parameters of Affirmative Action: Equity and Excellence in the University." Review of Educational Research (1997).

Tierney provides a historical analysis of affirmative action in higher education. Why was it needed equally a policy? He then outlines the philosophical and legal ramifications of affirmative activeness earlier evaluating criticism and alternatives. He concludes that affirmative action should not exist nigh rewriting past wrongs. Rather, the goal is to develop policies that serve the public good by advancing multifariousness and facilitating a culture of public participation.

Stulberg, L., & Chen, A.  "The Origins of Race-conscious Affirmative Action in Undergraduate Admissions: A Comparative Analysis of Institutional Change in College Education." Sociology of Education (2014).

This comparative and institutional analysis of race-witting affirmative action policies found that affirmative activeness arose in two waves during the 1960s. The first wave of adoption occurred in the early 1960s, past colleges in the North that were inspired past the nonviolent ceremonious rights protests occurring in the South. The second wave of adoption emerged in the late 1960s as a response to pupil protests on campus.

Race- vs. Grade-Based Affirmative Action

Bok, Derek. "Assessing the Results of Race-Sensitive Higher Admissions." The Journal of Blacks in College Education (2000).

Derek Bok, the onetime president of Harvard Academy, discusses race-based affirmative activity in college admissions. After studying more threescore,000 students, the author learned that nigh minority students attending selective colleges would take been rejected under a "race-neutral" admissions procedure. Bok assesses the different policy alternatives, like class-based affirmative action and top 10 percent plans. However, he concludes that these policies likely would non lead to the creation of racially various classes. He concludes that race-conscious admissions are the only solution that achieves diversity by admitting the best qualified minority students.

Cancian, Maria. "Race-Based versus Form-Based Affirmative Action in College Admissions." Journal of Policy Assay and Management (1998).

Using information from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, Cancian tries to simulate the impact of moving away from a race-based admissions process to course-based affirmative action by examining whether racial and ethnic minorities would be eligible for a grade-based program. A form-based college admissions process probable would bound the eligibility of racial and ethnic minorities and would not have similar results to race-based affirmative action.

Holzer, H., & Neumark, D. "Affirmative Action: What Do Nosotros Know?" Journal of Policy Assay and Management (2006).

This enquiry report evaluates the effects of affirmative action on employment, college admissions, and regime contracting. The empirical evidence shows that affirmative activeness programs shift employment, admissions, and regime contracting away from white men and toward women and other minorities. However, these shifts in employment and college admissions practice not have significant or large effects on the representation of minorities in colleges and university programs. Holzer and Neumark notation that replacing race-based affirmative activity with a different set of policies based on income or class rank likely would reduce the number of minorities enrolled at selective colleges.

Malamud, Deborah. "Assessing Grade-Based Affirmative Action." Periodical of Legal Instruction (1997).

Malamud discusses why class-based affirmative action will likely not achieve economic equity in college teaching. She besides discusses why a class-based admission process is  less likely to achieve racial equality.

Sander, Richard. "Experimenting with Class-Based Affirmative Activity." Journal of Legal Education (1997).

Sander discusses how UCLA School of Law incorporated grade-based preferences into its admissions system and then evaluates the results. He discusses how the class preference system increased the socioeconomic diversity of the student body but had mixed results in preserving racial variety.

The Challenges of Meritocracy

Liu, Amy. "Unraveling the myth of meritocracy within the context of Us college education." Higher Didactics (2011).

Liu argues that in meritocracy, social status becomes intertwined with level of education. Colleges and universities are now the gatekeepers of class positions and admission to them volition make up one's mind future class status. Liu discusses how college education should serve as an instrument to aggrandize opportunity and not be reduced to a "defensive necessity." She signals that information technology is of import for researchers to examine the theoretical basis of meritocracy and its consequences in college education.

Espenshade, T., Chung, C., & Walling, J. "Admission Preferences for Minority Students, Athletes, and Legacies at Aristocracy Universities." Social Science Quarterly (2004).

Espenshade, Chung, and Walling examine the college admissions process and the preferences for athletes, children of alumni, and minority applicants. The authors note how elite universities give additional weight to dissimilar characteristics in which academic preferences for athletes and legacies oftentimes compete with the preference for minority applicants.

Disquisitional Race Theory

Yosso, T., Parker, L., Solórzano, D., & Lynn, M. "From Jim Crow to Affirmative Action and Dorsum Again: A Disquisitional Race Discussion of Racialized Rationales and Access to College Pedagogy." Review of Research in Education (2004).

Using the framework of critical race theory, the authors hash out the role of race and racism in shaping educational institutions. They also discuss how color-blind, diversity, and remedial legal rationales are shaped by race and racism, underlining how conservatives claiming affirmative activeness based on a "colorblind" rationale, where race-blind admissions ensure meritocracy. Liberals, on the other hand, defend affirmative action based on a diversity rationale, where minority students enrich the learning surround for white students. The remedial rationale wishes to grant minority groups access as a partial remedy for past and current discrimination.


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Review of Educational Enquiry, Vol. 67, No. 2 (Summer, 1997), pp. 165-196

American Educational Research Association

Sociology of Instruction, Vol. 87, No. 1 (January 2014), pp. 36-52

American Sociological Association

The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, No. 29 (Fall, 2000), pp. 106-111

The JBHE Foundation, Inc

Journal of Policy Assay and Management, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Wintertime, 1998), pp. 94-105

Wiley on behalf of Association for Public Policy Assay and Management

Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Vol. 25, No. 2 (Spring, 2006), pp. 463-490

Wiley on behalf of Clan for Public Policy Analysis and Management

Journal of Legal Instruction, Vol. 47, No. 4 (Dec 1997), pp. 452-471

Clan of American Law Schools

Journal of Legal Education, Vol. 47, No. iv (December 1997), pp. 472-503

Association of American Police force Schools

College Education, Vol. 62, No. 4 (Oct 2011), pp. 383-397


Social Scientific discipline Quarterly, Vol. 85, No. v, A Special Issue: Social Scientific discipline Examines Educational activity (December 2004), pp. 1422-1446


Review of Inquiry in Education, Vol. 28 (2004), pp. ane-25

American Educational Research Clan


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