Natural Man Refers to Born Again Christians Who Hae Been Saved by Gods Grace

Evangelical Christian term

Born over again, or to experience the new nascence, is a phrase, particularly in evangelicalism, that refers to a "spiritual rebirth", or a regeneration of the human spirit. In contrast to one'south physical nativity, being "built-in again" is distinctly and separately acquired past baptism in the Holy Spirit, it is not caused by baptism in h2o. It is a core doctrine of the denominations of the Methodist, Quaker, Baptist, and Pentecostal Churches along with all other evangelical Christian denominations. All of these Churches strongly believe Jesus' words in the Gospels: "Y'all must be built-in once more before you can meet, or enter, the Kingdom of Heaven." Their doctrines too mandate that to be both "born once again" and "saved", one must accept a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.[1] [two] [3] [4] [v] [half-dozen]

In contemporary Christian usage and apart from evangelicalism, the term is distinct from like terms which are sometimes used in Christianity in reference to a person who is beingness or becoming a Christian. This usage of the term is commonly linked to baptism with h2o and the related doctrine of baptismal regeneration. Individuals who profess to be "born again" (meaning in the "Holy Spirit") oftentimes land that they have a "personal human relationship with Jesus Christ".[7] [5] [6]

In addition to using this phrase with those who practise not profess to exist Christians, some Evangelical Christians use the phrase and evangelize those who vest to other Christian denominations or groups. This practice is based on the belief that non-Evangelical Christians, even those Christians who are professed Christians, are not "born again" and practice non have a "personal relationship with Jesus." They therefore believe that they should evangelize to non-Evangelical Christians in the aforementioned mode that they would evangelize to people who exercise not profess the Christian faith.

The phrase "built-in once again" is besides used as an describing word to describe individual members of the move who espouse this belief, and information technology is also used every bit an adjective to draw the move itself ("born-again Christian" and the "born-once more movement").

Origin [edit]

Jesus and Nicodemus painting by Alexander Bida, 1874

The term is derived from an outcome in the Gospel of John in which the words of Jesus were not understood by a Jewish pharisee, Nicodemus.

Jesus replied, "Very truly I tell y'all, no one can encounter the kingdom of God unless they are born again." "How tin someone be born when they are erstwhile?" Nicodemus asked. "Surely they cannot enter a 2d time into their mother's womb to be born!" Jesus answered, "Very truly I tell y'all, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are built-in of water and the Spirit."

Gospel of John, John chapter 3, verses 3–5, NIV[8]

The Gospel of John was written in Koine Greek, and the original text is ambiguous which results in a double entendre that Nicodemus misunderstands. The word translated as again is ἄνωθεν (ánōtʰen), which could hateful either "over again", or "from above".[9] The double entendre is a effigy of voice communication that the gospel author uses to create bewilderment or misunderstanding in the hearer; the misunderstanding is then clarified by either Jesus or the narrator. Nicodemus takes only the literal meaning from Jesus's argument, while Jesus clarifies that he means more of a spiritual rebirth from to a higher place. English translations have to pick one sense of the phrase or some other; the NIV, King James Version, and Revised Version use "built-in once more", while the New Revised Standard Version[10] and the New English Translation[11] prefer the "born from above" translation.[12] Most versions will notation the culling sense of the phrase anōthen in a footnote.

Edwyn Hoskyns argues that "born from above" is to exist preferred as the fundamental significant and he drew attending to phrases such as "nativity of the Spirit",[xiii] "birth from God",[14] but maintains that this necessarily carries with it an emphasis upon the newness of the life equally given past God himself.[15]

The final use of the phrase occurs in the First Epistle of Peter, rendered in the Rex James Version as:

Seeing ye take purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, [see that ye] honey one another with a pure heart fervently: / Existence built-in again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for always.

ane Peter one:22-23[xvi]

Here, the Greek discussion translated as "born once more" is ἀναγεγεννημένοι ( anagegennēménoi ).[17]

Interpretations [edit]

The traditional Jewish understanding of the promise of salvation is interpreted as being rooted in "the seed of Abraham"; that is, physical lineage from Abraham. Jesus explained to Nicodemus that this doctrine was in error—that every person must have two births—natural birth of the physical body and another of the water and the spirit.[18] This discourse with Nicodemus established the Christian belief that all man beings—whether Jew or Gentile—must be "born over again" of the spiritual seed of Christ. The Apostle Peter farther reinforced this understanding in ane Peter one:23.[19] [17] The Catholic Encyclopedia states that "[a] controversy existed in the archaic church over the interpretation of the expression the seed of Abraham. Information technology is [the Campaigner Paul'south] teaching in one instance that all who are Christ'southward by organized religion are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to hope. He is concerned, withal, with the fact that the promise is not beingness fulfilled to the seed of Abraham (referring to the Jews)."[20]

Charles Hodge writes that "The subjective change wrought in the soul by the grace of God, is variously designated in Scripture" with terms such every bit new birth, resurrection, new life, new creation, renewing of the mind, dying to sin and living to righteousness, and translation from darkness to light.[21]

Jesus used the "nascence" analogy in tracing spiritual newness of life to a divine beginning. Contemporary Christian theologians have provided explanations for "born from to a higher place" being a more accurate translation of the original Greek give-and-take transliterated anōthen. [22] Theologian Frank Stagg cites two reasons why the newer translation is pregnant:

  1. The emphasis "from above" (implying "from Sky") calls attention to the source of the "newness of life". Stagg writes that the word "again" does non include the source of the new kind of starting time;
  2. More than personal improvement is needed. "a new destiny requires a new origin, and the new origin must be from God."[23]

An early case of the term in its more modern use appears in the sermons of John Wesley. In the sermon entitled A New Nascence he writes, "none can exist holy unless he be born again", and "except he be built-in again, none can be happy even in this earth. For ... a human being should non be happy who is not holy." Besides, "I say, [a homo] may be born again and so get an heir of conservancy." Wesley likewise states infants who are baptized are born once again, just for adults it is different:

our church supposes, that all who are baptized in their infancy, are at the same fourth dimension born again. ... Merely ... it is sure all of riper years, who are baptized, are non at the same time born again.[24]

A Unitarian work called The Gospel Anchor noted in the 1830s that the phrase was non mentioned by the other Evangelists, nor past the Apostles except Peter. "It was non regarded by any of the Evangelists merely John of sufficient importance to tape." It adds that without John, "we should hardly have known that it was necessary for one to be built-in once more." This suggests that "the text and context was meant to apply to Nicodemus especially, and not to the world."[25]

Historicity [edit]

Scholars of historical Jesus, that is, attempting to define how closely the stories of Jesus match the historical events they are based on, generally treat Jesus'south chat with Nicodemus in John 3 with skepticism. It details what is presumably a private conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus, with none of the disciples seemingly attending, making it unclear how a record of this chat was acquired. In addition, the chat is recorded in no other ancient Christian source other than John and works based on John.[26] According to Bart Ehrman, the larger issue is that the same problem English translations of the Bible accept with the Greek ἄνωθεν (anōthen) is a trouble in the Aramaic linguistic communication likewise: there is no single word in Aramaic that means both "over again" and "from above", yet the chat rests on Nicodemus making this misunderstanding.[27] Equally the conversation was between two Jews in Jerusalem, where Aramaic was the native language, there is no reason to recollect that they'd take spoken in Greek.[26] This implies that fifty-fifty if based on a existent conversation, the author of John heavily modified it to include Greek wordplay and idiom.[26]

Denominational positions [edit]

The Oxford Handbook of Faith and American Politics notes: "The GSS ... has asked a born-again question on 3 occasions ... 'Would you say you have been 'built-in again' or have had a 'born-again' experience?" The Handbook says that "Evangelical, blackness, and Latino Protestants tend to respond similarly, with about two-thirds of each grouping answering in the affirmative. In contrast, only about one 3rd of mainline Protestants and one sixth of Catholics (Anglo and Latino) claim a born-again feel." However, the handbook suggests that "born-again questions are poor measures even for capturing evangelical respondents. ... it is likely that people who report a born-again feel besides merits it as an identity."[28]

Catholicism [edit]

Historically, the classic text from John iii was consistently interpreted by the early church fathers every bit a reference to baptism.[29] Modern Catholic interpreters have noted that the phrase 'born from above' or 'born once more'[xxx] is clarified as 'being built-in of water and Spirit'.[31]

Cosmic commentator John F. McHugh notes, "Rebirth, and the commencement of this new life, are said to come up nigh ἐξ ὕδατος καὶ πνεύματος, of h2o and spirit. This phrase (without the article) refers to a rebirth which the early Church regarded as taking place through baptism."[32]

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) notes that the essential elements of Christian initiation are: "proclamation of the Word, acceptance of the Gospel entailing conversion, profession of religion, Baptism itself, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and admission to Eucharistic communion."[33] Baptism gives the person the grace of forgiveness for all prior sins; it makes the newly baptized person a new fauna and an adopted son of God;[34] information technology incorporates them into the Body of Christ[35] and creates a sacramental bond of unity leaving an enduring mark on our souls.[36] "Incorporated into Christ by Baptism, the person baptized is configured to Christ. Baptism seals the Christian with the enduring spiritual mark (character) of his belonging to Christ. No sin can erase this mark, even if sin prevents Baptism from bearing the fruits of salvation. Given once for all, Baptism cannot be repeated."[37] The Holy Spirit is involved with each aspect of the motility of grace. "The first work of the grace of the Holy Spirit is conversion. ... Moved past grace, man turns toward God and away from sin, thus accepting forgiveness and righteousness from on loftier."[38]

The Catholic Church as well teaches that nether special circumstances the need for h2o baptism tin exist superseded by the Holy Spirit in a 'baptism of desire', such equally when catechumens dice or are martyred prior to receiving baptism.[39]

Pope John Paul Two wrote in Catechesi Tradendae well-nigh "the trouble of children baptized in infancy [who] come for catechesis in the parish without receiving whatever other initiation into the faith and still without any explicit personal attachment to Jesus Christ.".[40] He noted that "being a Christian means proverb 'yes' to Jesus Christ, simply let usa call back that this 'yes' has two levels: It consists of surrendering to the word of God and relying on it, but information technology too means, at a after phase, endeavoring to know better—and better the profound significant of this word."[41]

The modern expression existence "born again" is really about the concept of "conversion".

The National Directory of Catechesis (published past the The states Conference of Catholic Bishops, USCCB) defines conversion as, "the credence of a personal relationship with Christ, a sincere adherence to him, and a willingness to conform one'southward life to his."[42] To put it more simply "Conversion to Christ involves making a genuine commitment to him and a personal conclusion to follow him as his disciple."[42]

Echoing the writings of Pope John Paul Two, the National Directory of Catechesis describes a new intervention required past our modern earth called the "New Evangelization". The New Evangelization is directed to the Church building herself, to the baptized who were never effectively evangelized before, to those who have never made a personal commitment to Christ and the Gospel, to those formed by the values of the secular culture, to those who have lost a sense of faith, and to those who are alienated.[43]

Declan O'Sullivan, co-founder of the Catholic Men's Fellowship and knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, wrote that the "New Evangelization emphasizes the personal run across with Jesus Christ as a pre-condition for spreading the gospel. The born-again experience is non just an emotional, mystical high; the really important matter is what happened in the convert's life after the moment or menses of radical alter."[44]

Lutheranism [edit]

The Lutheran Church building holds that "nosotros are apple-pie of our sins and born once more and renewed in Holy Baptism past the Holy Ghost. But she also teaches that whoever is baptized must, through daily contrition and repentance, drown The Old Adam and so that daily a new man come forth and arise who walks before God in righteousness and purity forever. She teaches that whoever lives in sins afterward his baptism has over again lost the grace of baptism."[45]

Moravianism [edit]

With regard to the New Nativity, the Moravian Church building holds that a personal conversion to Christianity is a blithesome experience, in which the individual "accepts Christ as Lord" after which faith "daily grows inside the person."[46] For Moravians, "Christ lived equally a man considering he wanted to provide a blueprint for future generations" and "a converted person could attempt to alive in his image and daily become more similar Jesus."[46] As such, "eye faith" characterizes Moravian Christianity.[46] The Moravian Church has historically emphasized evangelism, peculiarly missionary work, to spread the faith.[47]

Anglicanism [edit]

The phrase born again is mentioned in the 39 Articles of the Anglican Church in commodity XV, entitled "Of Christ alone without Sin". In part, it reads: "sin, as S. John saith, was not in Him. Just all nosotros the rest, although baptized and built-in over again in Christ, even so offend in many things: and if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is non in us."[48]

Although the phrase "baptized and born again in Christ" occurs in Article Xv, the reference is conspicuously to the scripture passage in John 3:iii.[49]

Reformed [edit]

In Reformed theology, Holy Baptism is the sign and the seal of one's regeneration, which is of condolement to the laic.[l] The time of i's regeneration, however, is a mystery to oneself according to the Canons of Dort.[l]

According to the Reformed churches being built-in once more refers to "the inward working of the Spirit which induces the sinner to respond to the effectual call". According to the Westminster Shorter Catechism, Q 88, "the outward and ordinary means whereby Christ communicateth to united states of america the benefits of redemption are, his ordinances, particularly the word, sacraments, and prayer; all of which are made effectual to the elect for conservancy."[51] Effectual calling is "the work of God'south Spirit, whereby, convincing united states of our sin and misery, enlightening our minds in the knowledge of Christ, and renewing our wills, he doth persuade and enable u.s.a. to encompass Jesus Christ, freely offered to u.s. in the gospel."[52] [53]

In Reformed theology, "regeneration precedes faith."[54] Samuel Storms writes that, "Calvinists insist that the sole cause of regeneration or being built-in over again is the will of God. God get-go sovereignly and efficaciously regenerates, and but in effect of that practice we human action. Therefore, the private is passive in regeneration, neither preparing himself nor making himself receptive to what God will do. Regeneration is a change wrought in us by God, non an democratic act performed by u.s. for ourselves."[55]

Quakerism [edit]

The Cardinal Yearly Coming together of Friends, a Holiness Quaker denomination, teaches that regeneration is the "divine work of initial salvation (Tit. three:5), or conversion, which involves the accompanying works of justification (Rom. 5:18) and adoption (Rom. 8:fifteen, 16)."[three] In regeneration, which occurs in the New Birth], there is a "transformation in the heart of the believer wherein he finds himself a new creation in Christ (Two Cor. 5:17; Col. ane:27)."[3]

Following the New Nascence, George Play a trick on taught the possibility of "holiness of eye and life through the instantaneous baptism with the Holy Spirit subsequent to the new nascency" (cf. Christian perfection).[56]

Methodism [edit]

In Methodism, the "new nascence is necessary for conservancy because it marks the move toward holiness. That comes with faith."[ane] John Wesley, held that the New Birth "is that nifty change which God works in the soul when he brings it into life, when he raises it from the decease of sin to the life of righteousness."[58] [1] In the life of a Christian, the new nascency is considered the start work of grace.[59] In keeping with Wesleyan-Arminian covenant theology, the Articles of Religion, in Article XVII—Of Baptism, state that baptism is a "sign of regeneration or the new birth."[threescore] The Methodist Visitor in describing this doctrine, admonishes individuals: "'Ye must be born once again.' Yield to God that He may perform this work in and for you lot. Admit Him to your heart. 'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and g shalt be saved.'"[61] [62] Methodist theology teaches that the New Nascence contains two phases that occur together, justification and regeneration:[63]

Though these 2 phases of the new birth occur simultaneously, they are, in fact, 2 separate and distinct acts. Justification is that gracious and judicial human action of God whereby a soul is granted complete absolution from all guilt and a full release from the penalisation of sin (Romans iii:23-25). This act of divine grace is wrought by faith in the claim of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1). Regeneration is the impartation of divine life which is manifested in that radical modify in the moral character of man, from the love and life of sin to the love of God and the life of righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:17; 1 Peter 1:23). ―Principles of Faith, Emmanuel Association of Churches[63]

Baptists [edit]

Baptists teach that a "person is born again when he/she repents of his/her sins and asks Jesus to forgive him/her and trust Jesus to serve him/her."[64] Those who have been born over again, according to Baptist teaching, know that they are "a child of God because the Holy Spirit witnesses to them that they are" (cf. assurance).[64]

Pentecostalism [edit]

Pentecost by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld. Woodcut for "Dice Bibel in Bildern", 1860.

Holiness Pentecostals historically teach the new birth (first work of grace), entire sanctification (second work of grace) and baptism with the Holy Spirit, as evidenced by glossolalia, equally the third piece of work of grace.[65] [66] The New Birth, according to Pentecostal teaching, imparts "spiritual life".[iv]

Jehovah's Witnesses [edit]

Jehovah'due south Witnesses believe that individuals do not take the ability to choose to be built-in once more, but that God calls and selects his followers "from to a higher place".[67] Only those belonging to the "144,000" are considered to exist built-in again.[68] [69]

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [edit]

The Book of Mormon emphasizes the need for everyone to be reborn of God.[70]

Disagreements betwixt denominations [edit]

The term "born once again" is used by several Christian denominations, but there are disagreements on what the term means, and whether members of other denominations are justified in claiming to be born-over again Christians.

Catholic Answers says:

Catholics should ask [Evangelical] Protestants, "Are yous born again—the style the Bible understands that concept?" If the Evangelical has not been properly water baptized, he has non been built-in again "the Bible manner," regardless of what he may retrieve.[71]

On the other hand, an Evangelical site argues:

Another of many examples is the Catholic who claims he also is "born again." ... However, what the committed Catholic ways is that he received his spiritual nascence when he was baptized—either as an baby or when as an developed he converted to Catholicism. That's not what Jesus meant when He told Nicodemus he "must be built-in again."[72] The deliberate adoption of biblical terms which have dissimilar meanings for Catholics has become an effective tool in Rome's ecumenical agenda.[73]

The Reformed view of regeneration may be prepare apart from other outlooks in at least two ways.

First, classical Roman Catholicism teaches that regeneration occurs at baptism, a view known as baptismal regeneration. Reformed theology has insisted that regeneration may accept place at whatever time in a person'due south life, even in the womb. It is not somehow the automatic result of baptism. 2d, it is mutual for many other evangelical branches of the church to speak of repentance and religion leading to regeneration (i.due east., people are born again merely after they exercise saving religion). By contrast, Reformed theology teaches that original sin and total depravity deprive all people of the moral ability and will to exercise saving faith. ... Regeneration is entirely the work of God the Holy Spirit - we can exercise nothing on our own to obtain information technology. God solitary raises the elect from spiritual death to new life in Christ.[74] [75]

History and usage [edit]

Historically, Christianity has used various metaphors to describe its rite of initiation, that is, spiritual regeneration via the sacrament of baptism past the power of the h2o and the spirit. This remains the common understanding in most of Christendom, held, for example, in Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, Lutheranism,[45] Anglicanism,[76] and in other historic branches of Protestantism. Notwithstanding, erstwhile after the Reformation, Evangelicalism attributed greater significance to the expression built-in once more [77] as an feel of religious conversion,[78] symbolized by deep-h2o baptism, and rooted in a commitment to 1'south own personal organized religion in Jesus Christ for conservancy. This same belief is, historically, also an integral part of Methodist doctrine,[79] [80] and is connected with the doctrine of Justification.[81]

According to Encyclopædia Britannica:

'Rebirth' has oftentimes been identified with a definite, temporally datable class of 'conversion'. ... With the voluntaristic type, rebirth is expressed in a new alignment of the will, in the liberation of new capabilities and powers that were hitherto undeveloped in the person concerned. With the intellectual type, it leads to an activation of the capabilities for understanding, to the quantum of a "vision". With others it leads to the discovery of an unexpected dazzler in the order of nature or to the discovery of the mysterious pregnant of history. With notwithstanding others it leads to a new vision of the moral life and its orders, to a selfless realization of love of neighbor. ... each person affected perceives his life in Christ at whatever given fourth dimension every bit "newness of life."[82]

According to J. Gordon Melton:

Born again is a phrase used by many Protestants to describe the phenomenon of gaining faith in Jesus Christ. It is an feel when everything they have been taught every bit Christians becomes real, and they develop a straight and personal relationship with God.[83]

According to Andrew Purves and Charles Partee:

Sometimes the phrase seems to be judgmental, making a stardom betwixt 18-carat and nominal Christians. Sometimes ... descriptive, like the distinction between liberal and conservative Christians. Occasionally, the phrase seems historic, similar the division betwixt Catholic and Protestant Christians. ... [the term] unremarkably includes the notion of human choice in salvation and excludes a view of divine election past grace solitary.[84]

The term born again has become widely associated with the evangelical Christian renewal since the belatedly 1960s, first in the United States and and then around the world. Associated perhaps initially with Jesus People and the Christian counterculture, built-in again came to refer to a conversion experience, accepting Jesus Christ every bit lord and savior in society to be saved from hell and given eternal life with God in heaven, and was increasingly used every bit a term to identify devout believers.[12] By the mid-1970s, born once again Christians were increasingly referred to in the mainstream media equally role of the born once more movement.

In 1976, Watergate conspirator Chuck Colson'south book Born Again gained international notice. Time magazine named him "1 of the 25 most influential Evangelicals in America."[85] The term was sufficiently prevalent so that during the year's presidential campaign, Democratic party nominee Jimmy Carter described himself equally "born again" in the first Playboy magazine interview of an American presidential candidate.

Colson describes his path to religion in conjunction with his criminal imprisonment and played a significant role in solidifying the "born again" identity equally a cultural construct in the US. He writes that his spiritual experience followed considerable struggle and hesitancy to take a "personal encounter with God." He recalls:

while I sat alone staring at the sea I love, words I had not been certain I could empathise or say fell from my lips: "Lord Jesus, I believe in You. I have You. Please come into my life. I commit it to Y'all." With these few words...came a sureness of mind that matched the depth of feeling in my eye. There came something more: force and serenity, a wonderful new assurance about life, a fresh perception of myself in the world effectually me.[86]

Jimmy Carter was the kickoff President of the United States to publicly declare that he was born-again, in 1976.[87] Past the 1980 campaign, all 3 major candidates stated that they had been born again.[88]

Sider and Knippers[89] state that "Ronald Reagan'southward election that fall [was] aided past the votes of 61% of 'born-once more' white Protestants."

The Gallup Organization reported that "In 2003, 42% of U.Due south. adults said they were built-in-again or evangelical; the 2004 pct is 41%" and that, "Black Americans are far more probable to identify themselves as born-over again or evangelical, with 63% of blacks proverb they are born-once again, compared with 39% of white Americans. Republicans are far more likely to say they are born-again (52%) than Democrats (36%) or independents (32%)."[90]

The Oxford Handbook of Faith and American Politics, referring to several studies, reports "that 'born-again' identification is associated with lower back up for government anti-poverty programs." It too notes that "self-reported born-again" Christianity, "strongly shapes attitudes towards economic policy."[91]

Names which have been inspired past the term [edit]

The idea of "rebirth in Christ" has inspired[92] some common European forenames: French René/Renée, Dutch Renaat/Renate, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Croatian Renato/Renata, Latin Renatus/Renata, all of which hateful "reborn", "born again".[93]

Encounter likewise [edit]

  • Chantry phone call – Tradition in some Christian churches
  • Baptismal regeneration – Doctrines held by major Christian denomination
  • Born-again virgin – Person who commits to abstinence after having had sexual intercourse
  • Child dedication – Act of consecration of children
  • Jesus movement – Old evangelical Christian movement
  • Dvija – Twice-born status of Hindu male after Upanayana
  • Evangelism – Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ
  • Monergism – View within Christian theology
  • Sinner's prayer – Evangelical Christian term referring to whatever prayer of repentance

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b c Joyner, F. Belton (2007). United Methodist Questions, United Methodist Answers: Exploring Christian Faith. Westminster John Knox Press. p. 39. ISBN9780664230395 . Retrieved x April 2014. The new birth is necessary for salvation because it marks the move toward holiness. That comes with faith.
  2. ^ Cathcart, William (1883). The Baptist Encyclopaedia: A Dictionary of the Doctrines, Ordinances ... of the General History of the Baptist Denomination in All Lands, with Numerous Biographical Sketches...& a Supplement. L. H. Everts. p. 834.
  3. ^ a b c Manual of Faith and Exercise of Key Yearly Coming together of Friends. Central Yearly Coming together of Friends. 2018. p. 26.
  4. ^ a b Wood, William Due west. (1965). Civilization and Personality Aspects of the Pentecostal Holiness Religion. Mouton & Visitor. p. 18. ISBN978-3-11-204424-7.
  5. ^ a b Bornstein, Erica (2005). The spirit of development: Protestant NGOs, morality, and economics in Republic of zimbabwe. Stanford Academy Press. ISBN9780804753364 . Retrieved 30 July 2011. A senior staff fellow member in Globe Vision's California role elaborated on the importance of being "born again," emphasizing a fundamental "relationship" betwixt individuals and Jesus Christ: "...the importance of a personal relationship with Christ [is] that it'south not just a thing of going to Christ or existence baptized when you are an baby. We believe that people need to be regenerated. They need a spiritual rebirth. The need to exist built-in again. ...You must be born once more before y'all can come across, or enter, the Kingdom of Heaven."
  6. ^ a b Lever, A. B. (2007). And God Said... ISBN9781604771152 . Retrieved xxx July 2011. From speaking to other Christians I know that the distinction of a built-in again believer is a personal experience of God that leads to a personal relationship with Him.
  7. ^ Price, Robert M. (1993). Beyond Born Again: Toward Evangelical Maturity. Wildside Press. ISBN9781434477484 . Retrieved thirty July 2011. I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  8. ^ John three:three-v
  9. ^ Danker, Frederick W., et al, A Greek-English language Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early on Christian Literature, third ed (Chicago: Academy of Chicago,2010), 92. Specifically come across the start (from above) and quaternary (again, anew) meanings.
  10. ^ Jn 3:iii Cyberspace
  11. ^ Jn 3:3 NET
  12. ^ a b Mullen, MS., in Kurian, GT., The Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization, J. Wiley & Sons, 2012, p. 302.
  13. ^ Jn 1:v
  14. ^ cf. Jn one:12-13; 1Jn 2:29, 3:9, 4:seven, 5:18
  15. ^ Hoskyns, Sir Edwyn C. and Davy, F.Northward.(ed), The Fourth Gospel, Faber & Faber second ed. 1947, pp. 211,212
  16. ^ 1Peter 1:22-23
  17. ^ a b Fisichella, SJ., Taking Away the Veil: To Encounter Beyond the Curtain of Illusion, iUniverse, 2003, pp. 55-56.
  18. ^ Emmons, Samuel B. A Bible Dictionary. BiblioLife, 2008. ISBN 978-0-554-89108-8.
  19. ^ 1Peter 1:23
  20. ^ Driscoll, James F. "Divine Hope (in Scripture)". The Cosmic Encyclopedia. Vol. 12. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1911. 15 November 2009.[1]
  21. ^ "Systematic Theology - Volume III - Christian Classics Ethereal Library". world wide . Retrieved 11 September 2019.
  22. ^ The New Testament Greek Dictionary. 30 July 2009.
  23. ^ Stagg, Evelyn and Frank. Woman in the Earth of Jesus. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1978. ISBN 0-664-24195-vi
  24. ^ Wesley, J., The works of the Reverend John Wesley, Methodist Episcopal Church, 1831, pp. 405–406.
  25. ^ LeFevre, CF. and Williamson, ID., The Gospel anchor. Troy, NY, 1831–32, p. 66. [2]
  26. ^ a b c Ehrman, Bart (2016). Jesus Before the Gospels: How the Primeval Christians Remembered, Changed, and Invented Their Stories of the Savior. HarperOne. pp. 108–109. ISBN978-0062285201.
  27. ^ "Biblical Errancy: The "Born Again" Dialogue In the Gospel of John". Biblical Errancy . Retrieved 11 September 2019.
  28. ^ The Oxford Handbook of Faith and American Politics, OUP, p16.
  29. ^ Joel C. Elworthy, Ed. Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament IVa, John i-10 (Downers Grove: Intervarsity Printing, 2007), p. 109-110
  30. ^ John three:3
  31. ^ John 3:5
  32. ^ John F. McHugh, John i-iv, The International Critical Commentary (New York: T&T Clark, 2009), p. 227
  33. ^ CCC 1229
  34. ^ ii Corinthians 5:17; 2 Peter 1:4
  35. ^ Ephesians iv:25
  36. ^ CCC 1262-1274
  37. ^ CCC 1272
  38. ^ CCC 1989
  39. ^ CCC 1260
  40. ^ "Catechesi Tradendae (October sixteen, 1979) - John Paul Two". Retrieved 17 Apr 2017.
  41. ^ CT 20
  42. ^ a b U.s. Briefing of Catholic Bishops, National Directory of Catechesis (2005) p. 48
  43. ^ United states of america Conference of Catholic Bishops, National Directory of Catechesis (2005) p. 47
  44. ^ O'Sullivan, Declan (2014). The Evangelizing Catholic. FriesenPress. p. 9.
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  46. ^ a b c Atwood, Scott Edward (1991). "An Instrument for Awakening": The Moravian Church and the White River Indian Mission. College of William & Mary. p. 7, 14, twenty-24.
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  52. ^ Shorter Westminster Catechism, Question 31.
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  56. ^ Quaker Religious Thought, Issues 99-105. Religious Society of Friends. 2003. p. 22.
  57. ^ Gibson, James. "Wesleyan Heritage Series: Unabridged Sanctification". S Georgia Confessing Clan. Archived from the original on 29 May 2018. Retrieved 30 May 2018.
  58. ^ Works, vol. two, pp. 193–194
  59. ^ Stokes, Mack B. (1998). Major United Methodist Beliefs. Abingdon Press. p. 95. ISBN9780687082124.
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  61. ^ The Methodist Visitor. Elliot Stock, 62, Paternoster Row, E.C. 1876. p. 137. Ye must be built-in again." Yield to God that He may perform this piece of work in and for you. Admit Him to your center. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.
  62. ^ Richey, Russell Due east.; Rowe, Kenneth E.; Schmidt, Jean Miller (19 January 1993). Perspectives on American Methodism: interpretive essays. Kingswood Books. ISBN9780687307821 . Retrieved 10 April 2014.
  63. ^ a b Guidebook of the Emmanuel Clan of Churches. Logansport: Emmanuel Association. 2002. p. 7-8.
  64. ^ a b Longwe, Hany (2011). Christians by Grace—Baptists by Choice: A History of the Baptist Convention of Malawi. African Books Collective. p. 429. ISBN978-99960-27-02-4.
  65. ^ The West Tennessee Historical Society Papers – Issue 56. Westward Tennessee Historical Club. 2002. p. 41. Seymour'south holiness background suggests that Pentecostalism had roots in the holiness motility of the tardily nineteenth century. The holiness movement embraced the Wesleyan doctrine of "sanctification" or the 2d work of grace, subsequent to conversion. Pentecostalism added a third piece of work of grace, chosen the baptism of the Holy Ghost, which is often accompanied past glossolalia.
  66. ^ The Encyclopedia of Christianity. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. 1999. p. 415. ISBN9789004116955. While in Houston, Texas, where he had moved his headquarters, Parham came into contact with William Seymour (1870–1922), an African-American Baptist-Holiness preacher. Seymour took from Parham the educational activity that the baptism of the Holy Spirit was not the blessing of sanctification, merely rather a third work of grace that was accompanied past the experience of tongues.
  67. ^ "The New Birth—A Personal Decision?". The Watchtower: 5–6. i April 2009.
  68. ^ "Born Again". Reasoning From the Scriptures. 1985.
  69. ^
  70. ^ "Mosiah 27". . Retrieved 4 August 2020.
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  72. ^ Jn 3:3-8
  73. ^ McMahon, TA, The "Evangelical" Seduction, [4], Accessed x Feb 2013.
  74. ^ Eph. two:1-10
  75. ^ "Regeneration and New Nativity: Must I Be Born Once again?". Third Millennium Ministries. Archived from the original on 20 April 2014. Retrieved 10 April 2014. In Reformed theology regeneration, the equivalent to being "born again," is a technical term referring to God revitalizing a person past implanting new desire, purpose and moral ability that pb to a positive response to the Gospel of Christ.
  76. ^ Encounter the section on Anglicanism in Baptismal regeneration
  77. ^ "built-in-once more." Good Word Guide. London: A&C Black, 2007. Credo Reference. xxx July 2009
  78. ^ Heb 10:xvi
  79. ^ Fallows, Samuel; Willett, Herbert Lockwood (1901). The popular and critical Bible encyclopædia and scriptural dictionary, fully defining and explaining all religious terms, including biographical, geographical, historical, archæological and doctrinal themes, to which is added an exhaustive appendix illustrated with over 600 maps and engravings. Chicago, Howard-Severance Co. p. 1154. Retrieved 19 October 2009. The New Birth. Regeneration is an important Methodist doctrine, and is the new birth, a change of eye. All Methodists teach that "Except a man be built-in again, he cannot run across the kingdom of God." It is the work of the Holy Spirit and is a conscious alter in the middle and the life.
  80. ^ Smith, Charles Spencer; Payne, Daniel Alexander (1922). A History of the African Methodist Episcopal Church building. Johnson Reprint Corporation. Retrieved nineteen October 2009. Whatever the Church may do, and in that location is much that it can and should do, for the edification of human being'south physical being, its primal piece of work is the regeneration of human'south spiritual nature. Methodism has insisted on this as the supreme end and aim of the Church.
  81. ^ Southey, Robert; Southey, Charles Cuthbert (16 March 2010). The Life of Wesley: And the Rise and Progress of Methodism. Nabu Press. p. 172. Retrieved five July 2011. Connected with his doctrine of the New Birth was that of Justification, which he affirmed to exist inseparable from it, nonetheless easily to exist distinguished, as beingness not the same, but of a widely unlike nature. In order of time, neither of these is earlier the other; in the moment we are justified by the grace of God, through the redemption that is in Jesus, we are also built-in of the Spirit; but in guild of thinking, as it is termed, Justification precedes the New Birth.
  82. ^ Encyclopædia Britannica, entry for The Doctrine of Man (from Christianity), 2004.
  83. ^ Melton, JG., Encyclopedia Of Protestantism (Encyclopedia of World Religions)
  84. ^ Purves, A. and Partee, C., Encountering God: Christian Organized religion in Turbulent Times, Westminster John Knox Press, 2000, p. 96
  85. ^ The 25 Near Influential Evangelicals in America. Archived 24 June 2011 at the Wayback Machine
  86. ^ Colson, Charles W. Born Again. Chosen Books (Baker Publishing), 2008.
  87. ^ Hough, JF., Changing party coalitions, Algora Publishing, 2006, p. 203.
  88. ^ Utter, GH. and Tru, JL.,Conservative Christians and political participation: a reference handbook, ABC-CLIO, 2004, p. 137.
  89. ^ Sider, J. and Knippers, D. (eds), Toward an Evangelical Public Policy: Political Strategies for the Wellness of the Nation, Baker Books, 2005, p.51.
  90. ^ "Winseman. A.L., Who has been born once again, Gallup, 2004". Retrieved 11 August 2012.
  91. ^ Smidt, C., Kellstedt, Fifty., and Guth, J., The Oxford Handbook of Religion and American Politics, Oxford Handbooks Online, 2009, pp.195-196.
  92. ^ Oxford Lexicon of First Names
  93. ^ Chambers'south Twentieth Century Dictionary, W. & R. Chambers (1954) p.1355

External links [edit]

  • The New Birth, John Wesley, sermon No. 45. Wesley's instruction on being born again, and statement that information technology is fundamental to Christianity.


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